Wed. March 5 at 9 a.m. Registration opens to artsPlace members
Fri. March 7 at 9 a.m. Registration opens to the general public
Browse programs now!
Wed. March 5 at 9 a.m. Registration opens to artsPlace members
Fri. March 7 at 9 a.m. Registration opens to the general public
Browse programs now!
Discover, explore, and celebrate the adventure of art and creativity at your local community arts centre. No matter your age, background, abilities or financial means, you're welcome here.
Enjoy a diverse slate of accessible arts-based programs, classes and workshops for all age groups and across multiple disciplines.
Beginner Ceramics Multi-week Course for Adults
Explore our multi-week, single session and weekend workshops throughout the year, as well as free classes, online classes, and camps. Our classes and workshops cover a wide range of disciplines including ceramics, visual arts, literary arts, photography & film, cultural studies, fabric arts, glass, jewelry, wood & leather, paper craft arts, DIY, flower arranging, music, movement & theatre, and digital arts.
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