Push and Pinch: Creative Clay Technique *NEW*

Single Session Workshop

a clay dish

April 10 (Single Session)

Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

$47 / members $39.95 (Materials included)

Members, log in to access your discounts!

Instructor: Puck Janes

*All fired and glazed ceramic work must be picked up within two weeks of the completion notice, or it will be donated to artsPlace.

SAVE with the Creative Adventure Passport!

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Create Your Own Adventure

Creative Adventure Passport allows you to bulk single-session workshops together to save on registration fees.

Pick three or five single-session $47 workshops that match your interests. Choose now and guarantee your spot or pick later as your schedule allows.

You can sign up for up to 5 workshops in one term or spread them out!

3-workshop passport $126 *Save 11%

5-workshop passport $185 *Save 21%

Meet the Instructor

Featured image for Puck Janes

Puck Janes

"There are many stories to explore, from the passing of geological time, to the origins of curious place names, the fragility of certain wildlife species and the tenacity of others, and the ongoing human interaction. All of this takes place within the ever present and glorious mountains and valleys. My hand built, story based pieces begin as drawings which are developed into patterns for sculptures, wall pieces and vessels. I use lino carvings, molds, drawing, stencils, text, and different glaze and non glaze surface combinations to realize these stories."

Experiencing the arts is a right regardless of financial means. Learn about the Discover Art Access Program here.

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