Our Donors & Sponsors
Thank you for your gift.artsPlace would like to thank our Donors and Sponsors for their extraordinary generosity.
The success of artsPlace depends on the support of the individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and foundations listed below. Through their generosity, these supporters have enriched the programming and activities offered by artsPlace.
The Current Supporters includes all cash donations and sponsorships of $100+ made between January 1 and December 31st 2024.
Current Supporters
Three Sisters $100,000+

Mount Rundle $50,000-$99,999

- Anonymous
Mount Lady MacDonald $20,000-$49,999

- Anonymous
- Clint Cawsey
Grotto Mountain $10,000-19,999

- artsPlace Endowment Fund at Calgary Foundation
- Andrea Hopps and Michael Mezei
- Stephen Kennedy
Mt Lawrence Grassi $2,500-$9,999

- Anonymous (3)
- Ana Araujo and Duncan Highsmith
- Eleanor Benham
- Cori Brewster
- Calgary Association for the Development of Music Education
- Joan Fargey
- Robert and Priscilla Janes
- Patricia Johnston
- Edward and Ann Kerwin
- Lohnes Family Fund at Calgary Foundation
- Georg McKay
- Katharine Mills
- Nan Hughes and Peter Poole
- Michael Potter
- Jen Tweddell and Jeremy White
- Carol and Hendri Vorster
Media and Major In-Kind Supporters ($1000+)
- BLAKE Brewhouse & Distillery
- Crescent Spur Helicopter Holidays Ltd.
- Jennifer d'Entremont
- Delta Hotels Marriott
- Dan Levert
- The Lodge at Bow Lake
- Charlotte MacNaughton
- Rocky Mountain Outlook
Ha Ling Peak $1000-$2499
- Anonymous (4)
- Dean Allatt
- Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
- Beres Sparks Wiegand Realtors
- Shana and Steve Boyd
- Bremner Engineering, Cooperators
- Kim and Juan Dominguez
- Tom and Linda Ebbern
- Glyn and Allison Edwards
- Utku Evci
- Dave and Nancy Foreman
- Glover Family Fund at ECF
- Brian Grasmuck
- Kathi Irvine
- Pam and Dale Jenks
- Jeff Kovitz KC and Micheline Maylor-Kovitz
- Kairn Kunelius
- Richard Lahaie
- Long & McQuade
- Davin and Alexis MacIntosh
- Derek Martin Consulting
- Sandy and Duncan McCaig
- Lilla Molnar and Marc Piché
- Norbert and Patricia Morgenstern
- Susan and Taso Palidis
- Pascal's Patisserie
- Marg and Mike Perlette
- Pierzchajlo Swanson Family Fund at ECF
- Nellie and John Radomsky
- Jeri-Lynn and Lauren Robertson
- Michael Shugarman and Phillip Van Der Merwe
- Hope Smith
- Shelley Sopher and Dan Thorburn
- Sandra Stevens
- Jane Stevenson
- Stonewaters
- Erin Thrall
- Town of Banff
- Brian and Diane Travers Family Fund at ECF
- George Walker
- Wheaton Family Foundation
- John Whelen and Storm Stewart
- Jean-Michel Worms
- Mary Young
Yamnuska $500-$999
- Anonymous (8), Chris Bartolomie, Al and Nancy Bellstedt, Melanie Busby and Goldie Edworthy, Bruce and Dawn Byford, Cenovus, Linda Comand, Peter Corish and Katherine Bryan, John Cosgrove, E=MC2, David Eastham, Robert Engbloom, Marianne Engel, Penney Gaul and Martin Armitage, Google, Fred and Connie Hall, Murray Hanna and Janice Tye, C.Hunt,R.Holdsworth, Christine Lebeuf and Glen Taylor, Karen and Mont Levy, Lions Club of Canmore, Conor McKeown, Jim and Beth Millard, OK TIRE Canmore, Steve Patten and Marcia Nelson, Heather Rae, Fiona and Norrie Ramsay, Rocky Mountain Flatbread Co, Sedona Sister Cities Association, Silvia Stettler, Suncor Energy Foundation, Katherine and Robert Tedford, Charlene Todd, E G. Vandervoort, Heather and Patrick Walter, Jim Wilker
Friends $100-$499
- Andrew and Carolyne Abbott, Gail Allford, Pat Allin, Richard Anderson and Faye Forbes-Anderson, Anonymous (22), Kathy and Paul Arney, Grant Arnold, Banff Tea Co., Sian and Todd Barraclough, Doug Beattie, Julie and Claude Bédard, Joan and Sean Booth, Grazyna Stanczyk-Brzezinska, Maarten Buth, Sally Caudill and Rob Buffler, Claire Dionne and Len Chackowsky, Gail Culbertson, Danielle Demmans, Jennifer d'Entremont, Anne and Lee deSoto, Jane and Stephen Doyle, Linda and Blair Dunbar, Dea Fischer, Jon Frolick, Barb Fyvie, Michael Garrett, George and Phyllis Gillespie, Jim and Debbie Hansen, Gaye Harden, Camille Hemingson, Roz Mendelson, David Hodgins, David Holgate, Femmeke and Albert Holthuis, Joseph Horton, James Howe, Robert Hudson, Andy Humphreys, Frances Hunter, Erika Jensen-Mann, Pamela Johnson, Erin Jolly, Kim and Bruce Jones, Evan Jones, Marianne Kasper, Bill and Karen Keech, Frances Klatzel, Dwaine and Linda Korsbrek, Ronda Krasnodemski, François Labrosse and Lucie Martineau, Cecile Lafleur and Doug Eastcott, Simmi Latulippe, Rita Lemieux, Richard LeSueur, Sue Levert, Nancy Lewis, Sharen Lipton, Judy Lorenz, Derek Martin, John Martland, Evelyn Matthews, Judith Maxwell and Eric McAvity, Lisa McDowell, Jean Y. Mitchell, Trevar Moore, Mountain Cabin Quilter's Guild, Judy Otton, Toomas Paasuke, Gretchen Perla, Donna Potter, Barbara Profitt, Stuart Quinn, Norman Rinne, Leslie Robertson, Sheilagh Ross, Melanie Schultz, Camille Sinanan, Percy Strong, Sanae Takahashi, Pierre Thibodeau, Mark Thomas, Belle and Hanoch Toren, Pam and Allan Twa, Susan Webb, Richard Weingardt, Eva Zidek
Lifetime Supporters

$250,000-$2 Million


- Anonymous (3)
- Eleanor Benham
- Clint Cawsey
- Patricia Johnston
- Stephen Kennedy

- Anonymous (2)
- Joan Fargey
- Andrea Hopps and Michael Mezei
- Priscilla and Robert Janes
- Edward and Ann Kerwin
- Jeff Kovitz, QC. and Dr Micheline Maylor
- Nan Hughes Poole and Peter Poole
- Michael Potter
- Barry Taylor
- Carol and Hendri Vorster
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