Rising Stars
Read about the Nikolenko family’s journey from Ukraine to Canada, and how the arts have helped shape and heal them along the way.
Nurturing Creativity Across Borders
A Sense of Place
Discovering Friendship and Belonging at the Festival of Art & Creativity.
Dancing Together
Beyond Our Walls
“artsPlace made a lot of people happy here at the Seniors Lodge” smiles Phyllis McGrath.
Wonderful That We Met
A Sense of Place
If you ever have the pleasure of meeting members of the Smalleyes family, you’re sure to come away with a strong sense of what “home” means to them.
The Smalleyes Family
Beyond Our Walls
More than songs were exchanged over the blue fence which separated local musicians Ellen Braun and Mike Petroff from about 40 residents of the Bow River Senior Citizens Lodge.
Music and Art That Bring Us Together
Donor Story
The MacIntosh family’s life is filled with the sound of music. In fact, Davin, Alexis, Reid, and Jude each have their own personal connections to classical music.
You Had Me at Cello
A Sense of Place
Like a good neighbour who’s happy to lend a cup of sugar, Sandy McCaig pops across the street from her house to artPlace whenever they need her help.
Sweet Sandy
Indigenous Connections
Stoney Nakoda Knowledge Keeper Duane Mark uses creative techniques to preserve the Stoney culture.
Sharing Stories to Build Cultural Understanding
A Sense of Place
Painting their way through the pandemic, Canmore siblings Zaden, 9, and Zaylia, 8, spent enough time at artsPlace over the summer it could be renamed ZartsPlace.