Leeroy Stagger

~ Folk & Roots

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Thursday, September 5

7:30 p.m.

$35 / members $29.75 / youth $17.50



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Individual tickets go on sale July 15 at 9:00 a.m.

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Tickets are available through subscriptions July 4 at 9:00 am

“Most of these songs were composed in the wee hours of a new day. The witching hours, you could call them. Where my mind is active and there’s a peace and spirit I embrace in the quiet of life.”

That liminal space is exactly what Stagger would call his 3 AM Revelations—and there could be no better title for his 13th full recording. For it’s in that sacred and moonlit window that brought forth his strongest, most passionate songwriting to date.

In these musical revelations—recorded in Stagger’s new Victoria home studio made of “beautiful rough-cut wood”—we hear gratitude, struggle, rebel rousing, balladry, compassion, and humour. We go to worlds as small as the back of lousy Dodge Dart, and worlds as vast as the Alberta Skies and as ethereal as human connection.

“This is a record of the human spirit. Of suffering and joy. Of heroes and everyday stories. And of addiction and redemption.”

3 AM Revelations is the result of what Stagger calls his “third attempt” at making this record, meaning his listeners can look forward to two more collections in the can. And if 3 AM is three times the charm, as well as the bewitching hour in which to write beautiful music, Leeroy Stagger has tapped into something remarkably moving.

“That’s what I wanted this record to feel like—like riding a wave. And hold on, because we don’t know what’s coming next. It’s a chance to climb up the mountain and have a look around to decide if we like what we see. In the end, we hang on tight or loosen our grip a little. Either way, it’s gonna be OK.”

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