Mini Melodies - FREE program for families!

Ages 0-5 (with an adult)

Register in person
kids dancing

April 7- June 23 (8 sessions, no classes Apr. 14, 21, May 5, 19)

Mondays, 10:00 a.m. - 10.45 a.m.


Register in person

This is a Drop-In program. In-person registration starts at 9:30 a.m. each Monday at the artsPlace reception desk.

Enjoy a music moment and encourage your child’s musical literacy skills such as rhythm, pitch-matching and beat awareness. Storytelling, instrument playing, movement and puppet play make each week a new adventure while empowering children to enjoy music in a safe, playful and interactive environment.

These activities require active parent/guardian participation.

Instructor: Tangle McClaron

Meet the instructor

Featured image for Tangle McClaron

Tangle McClaron

A theater kid at heart, Tangle delights in the many hats she gets to wear these days: puppeteer, musician, educator, creature builder, coffee addict, mama.

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