Mike Tod

~ Folk & Roots

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Thursday, September 26

7:30 p.m.

$30 / members $25.50 / youth $15



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"Gorgeously dark" - Folk Radio UK

Over the past decade, the nomadic singer has earned his voice the old-fashioned way. He’s grazed on the origins of old-time music and studied deep into the history behind the songs. He’s worked on ranches and sheep farms, travelled North America, and played on stages from the Calgary Stampede to small town public houses in Cape Breton.

With his debut studio LP, Mike Tod is stepping boldly forward as a prominent voice in old-time music. While the instrumentation honours the history of the genre, the expansive, cinematic arrangements focus Tod’s vision through a modern lens. The follow up to his 2021 self-titled EP, Tod immerses listeners in traditional songs recorded with modern clarity and true grit.

"Ought to be required listening" - Exclaim!
"A deep folk journey" - Slow Music Movement 

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