Milky Way Watercolour *NEW*

Single Session Workshop


April 30 (Single Session)

Tuesday, 6:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m.

$47 / members $39.95 (Materials included)

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We will cover the basics of watercolours, composition and sketching in this 3 hour lesson.

We’ll chat about the 3 different methods of using watercolour paint, nerd out about paper for a bit, go over a few composition tips n’ tricks, and then get into it with a pencil drawing before putting our newly learned skills to use and playing with paint! We’ll be painting Abbot Hut, which formerly sat above Lake Louise and was the second highest permanent structure in Canada. Beginners welcome!

Instructor: Emily Beaudoin

Materials included

SAVE with the Creative Adventure Passport!

Creative Adventure Passport

Creative Adventure Passport allows you to bulk single-session workshops together to save on registration fees.

Pick three or five single-session $47 workshops that match your interests. Choose now and guarantee your spot or pick later as your schedule allows.

You can sign up for up to 5 workshops in one term or spread them out!

3-workshop passport $126 *Save 11%

5-workshop passport $185 *Save 21%

Meet the Instructor

Emily Boudain

"Hi, I’m Emily Beaudoin. I am a watercolour and pen and ink artist and muralist based in Canmore, Alberta.

I use vibrant colour, texture, white space and intricate line work to convey the sense of freedom, adventure and energy I experience while in the mountains, as well as my connection to and love for these wild places.

My hope is that my art will transport folks to the ridges, summits and valleys I explore and allow them to feel their own sense of connection and awe. The way I see it, people will only fight to protect the wild places they have a relationship with, and if my art inspires even just one person to go outside and want to be a part of the wilderness, I’ll be a happy camper. "

Experiencing the arts is a right regardless of financial means. Learn about the Discover Art Access Program here.

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