Chris Bartolomie started working for the Town of Canmore in 1999. She is now the Supervisor of Arts & Events there.
Chris’s department manages the public art program, community art, temporary art installations and larger art commissions like Big Head, Touchstone and Altered Group. She and her team define the parameters of the art call, put together juries to select the work, and work with the artist from concept to installation. They also oversee Three Sisters Gallery at Elevation Place, host Pecha Kucha nights, organize National Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebration, the Mayor’s Spotlight on the Arts, the New Year’s Eve celebrations, Winter Carnival, the Canada Day Parade and the Wild Festival.
Chris is originally from a little place called Black Creek, which is between Niagara Falls and Fort Erie, Ontario. She has lived in Canmore for almost 28 years. She lives here with her partner Steve and their three kids, Britanny, Landis and Jamie.
Meet the rest of Our Team.